Unbeatable Opportunity: How A Text Led These Chiropractors To Business Ownership!

no in school they teach you about

business but they don't go as in depth

or it's not um up to date to what you

have to do to be able to own a business

I literally have only 30 days while

working full-time to learn and do are we

they help us model the practice that way

so there's not like oh you have to do it

this way you have to do it this way

which is the problem that a lot of the

Chiropractic business coaches are you

have to do it the way they want to and

they also focused a lot in the organic

growth and that was the most important

thing for us how do we balance the plans

we have for our future and the

opportunities that surprise us how do we

Shepherd existing clients towards new

and better Services while also

reassuring them that we have their best

interests in mind and when we're in

Partnership how do we both shoulder the

burden and support each other well also

move towards working in our strengths my

name is Barrett young and this is the

art of succession podcast my guests

today are doctors Tatiana Barrera and

Michael Vega the owners behind move

forward a chiropractic clinic in Tampa

Florida they believe that with the

active integration of Chiropractic Care

into your life we can all move like

we're 20 again Mike Tatiana welcome to

the art of succession thank you hey

everyone thank you for having us my

pleasure so you are chiropractors you're

engaged and you have a clinic in Tampa

Florida um how long have you been

running the clinic down there um one

year and two months now okay so Tatiana

tell me a little bit about did you work

at this Clinic before you purchased it

tell me a little bit about that story no

so actually I was working in Clear Water

uh with another car doctor I used to

love that place I still love it um

they're amazing people um she was my

receptor um which is like the last

clinical corpse in that we have to do be

bor would graduate and she ended up

hiring me um and I really like the place

but then on one of my friends he sent me

a text about this practice that was

being sold super super cheap and it was

a lot of back forward but I only had 24

hours to lock it in so I was like oh

just go for it so yeah I just took a

leap of

faith okay so this was just a year ago

then that you were working there okay um

and had you just become a chiropractor

finished your preceptorship or how far

along in your career were you so I

finished my preceptorship in um August

and then I believe something like that

and then I got hired in

October and then March

2023 um that's when I found out about

this practice so I wor worked in that

other P for what it's that like five six

months something that yeah okay so so

you're coming up on about two years now

yeah okay and Mike how long have you

been in the

field same exact time we met in school

so we kind of fell in love in school and

now we're here so essentially same time

frame uh a little bit of different story

we did both work with different uh

chiropractors before we open the

practice um I was more north of Tampa

and she using Clear Water uh it was

great until it wasn't that great and we

noticed that we could do way

more to help genuinely help people and

also do the things that we wanted to do

carewise and when she took the leap of

faith essentially the next month I was

not working at the place that I was

working I took the leap of faith with

her thought we're just going to make

this work a little bit about um just

Chiropractic um care as a practitioner

is it this is it pretty standard in that

industry that you're going to work for

somebody for a couple years and then

you're going to open up your own your

own chiropractor shop you build up a

book of business um is that standard in

chiropractic care and it all depends um

yeah it all depends on the person the

personality like what are your goals

usually people um just do an associate

ship like after you graduate and if they

get to itch they open up a practice or

they buy a practice but then there's

other students that um they either get

the financial um opportunity like they

have it and they adult that they're all

because it it's expensive like you are

going to spend a lot of M to be able to


happens um so they have that possibility

or they just are lucky enough to

receptor within doctor that it's going

to retire and they end up um selling in

my case I never had the mentality that I

to like my my goal was to just go in

walk in treat my patients and then clock

out and be at my house and travel and do

all the things that I will um so I never

thought about owning a practice another

hand Michael he always had that little

itch of owning a practice um but he also

wanted to have the experience of you

know learning the business because you

know in school they teach you about

business but they don't go as in depth

or it's not um up to date to what you

have to do to be able to own a business

is so um there's a lot that you have to

learn so being an associate ship it

actually helps you a lot to develop that

knowledge I gotcha yeah that's kind of

what I was getting at is did you guys go

into Chiropractic Care knowing someday

you would do this you'd own your own

company it sounds like Mike that was

kind of your plan yeah someday out there

I think um at first I knew I needed some

stability um because obviously at first

um I don't I don't I I don't have the

blessing to coming from a very wealthy

family you know we've always struggled

and we got to the point that we got like

my mom and dad they fought to get the

stuff that they had right now right they

they sweat it out so I learned that

behavior that you gotta you know work

for what you want especially my my

parents you know they have their own

business and all that stuff so I kind of

grew up with seeing like okay you're

going to not be so good at first but

it's going to slowly scale to where you

wanted to um and it's just the freedom

of taking care of the of the patients

the way you want to and at first when I

went into my preceptor

thing I told my mentor

that I wanted to learn more about the

business like I didn't want to learn

more about Chiropractic or more about

Rehabilitation want to know more about

the the business and he was he was very

clear and he helped me a lot and

actually thank God that I went that

route because when Tatiana opened she

wasn't so lost because I was like okay

you have to do this this this like check

this out make sure you do that blah blah

blah because I already

knew a good foundation in how to hold

the practice a whole at least at the

start so from that part we were pretty

okay we did would to go a little bit

crazy but it was it wasn't that hard

because I had that prior experience with

my preceptor and the doctor that I used

to work with yeah I mean that's what I

was wondering is if there is that

mentorship that's built alongside this

is how you be a chiropractor but also

this is how you would run a business is

that in the profession or is it only

when they're within you know 5 years of

retirement they start to teach people

that uh

yeah so

yeah I I'll take this one I'll take this

one I I'll take this one um I'm not

bashing any school right we're not

talking schools teach you how to excel

in your profession that's that's the

goal technical field yeah right that

they teach you we we if a lack of better

terms they teach you how not to kill a

person that's essentially in healthcare

like this is not what to do don't do

this right so when it comes comes to the

business sit we do get uh a general

understanding we do get business classes

we do get a strategy classes laws and

regulation we do get a big chunk we

don't get thrown into the world doing

anything but it's not to the level of

death that you would want that's for

sure um so we do get some knowledge uh

from the school that I I went to but I

know there's schools that didn't talk a

lot or not even anything about business

so there's 5050 um but I would say

things that I learned from school from

my program that I've applied to the

business I'd say like

25% the other 75% has been me doing

research podcast talking to my CPA

talking to other business owners like

what to do what not to do so it's

there's a lot of real world um

experience that school will never be

able to teach yeah and when I started

here um I remember that I was trying to

go back to my old um notes from school

about business I was like oh no this

doesn't work like I need some updates

I'm not GNA survive doing this you go

back and you look at your marketing

class and you're like what what century

was this given

yeah this was given 1980 I don't think

this is


use newspapers I don't think that's a

great source right now right take yeah

take out an ad

yep so Tatiana then so you were the one

that was approached with the offer got

the text from a friend but you had no

inclination at that point to want to

start your own business was it just that

text that was like we could do this or I

I mean you had to make a quick decision

you said so how did you go from that

that is a really good question I'm good

being an to hey let's do this thing yeah

so um backstory uh I'm a really um type

of person that I like to just jump and

do stuff and not thinking about it like

um it's better to say sorry than to ask

for permission type of person um so

that's one thing the other thing is that

I love breast cat survivors so for me

every single second

it's just so important and I as cheesy

as it sound I don't like to miss on on

opportunities um that being said there

were also things going on where I was

working that I wasn't very happy and I

didn't see um the progression that I

wanted um I will say they are amazing

people it's an amazing practice I really

love that I refer people to that um it

was just other things that

I really didn't think that U I liked

very much um and when I got that text I

even when I spoke to the previous owner

I never had the mentality me like oh

yeah I'm calling you because I want to

buy this practice I I just came in to

check it out um and then when I started

to talk to him I saw where he was I was

like I actually really like this it's

perfect for me it's small it's like what

I need uh but the issue was that I

didn't have the money to be able to buy

the practice and I remember that um I

was with Michael that night it was like

I don't know I don't even know I'm

considering this I don't have the money

to buy the practice and was like oh

we'll figure it out so we called his mom

um and Michael's mom was amazing like

she's been a business owner she she has

such a strong character um and she's

like really neutral

um so she's the type of person that just

throws in the fs and lets you take the

decision but this day she was like you

know what Chan don't do stupid just buy

the practice I'm

like what and then I called my mom I was

like I know I have to buy it but I can't

buy it and she was like don't worry

we'll help you out don't be stupid you

have to buy that practice like okay so I

picked up the phone was like um I called

the doctor was like I would I'm going to

buy the prce so that's how it

went what what to them signaled that it

was such an obvious choice was it the

excitement in your voice was it that it

was underpriced for the equipment you

were getting what I mean this was a

clear decision for both of them so yeah

it was a lot of things I think at the

moment I didn't realized how excited I

was um and they could see that and also

it was so cheap like so so cheap um I

was basically buying the equipment the

name Google reviews and all that stuff

but usually car pract practices when

they sell them they go from um 250 to

$400,000 um because it includes

everything like including the building

and all that stuff um in this case he

was literally selling the marcket for

$10,000 that's nothing that's super

cheap um and I think that's one of the

reasons why I was like oh let let me

check it out never know so I mean do you

have any inclination did you talk to the

guy why he's selling it so cheap or you

didn't want to mess up the good deal by

asking oh I didn't want to mess it

up yeah but he was also seni retired um

and the practice like he didn't own the

the building so it was more like selling

all the equipment and you know the Poo

reviews ass system the name like all

that stuff okay about how big of a


List um it wasn't that big because he


semi-retired um okay yeah but we did um

inherited a lot of

files and we started calling all those

patients and trying to bring them back

in okay yeah we'll we'll get into that

that in a second um Mike what were your

thoughts I mean was it an obvious move

for you too or did you know that you

wanted to join her right


um yeah I mean in my case there was

factors that were not controlled that

forc me to take um you know her side I

the main goal

was uh of you know supporting fiance say

hey take the leap of Fate I have stabil

here I we I can provide while we you

know while you grow it and that sounded

awesome in paper

until quick

backstory my I'm not naming my boss for

obvious purposes but the person who I

work with he had found out that my

fiance had a practice and essentially it

was more of

a um competition thing like um you're a

little bit too close to me I don't want

you to like build and steal which is

illegal to do I don't know what he

thought about that um and I think it was

a week after she opened he told me yeah

you're not gonna work here anymore so

you should you should just go join her

yeah yeah of yeah exactly and I and I

was like hey but I still want to stay

here i i l where it worked I had no

complaints where I worked and I had a a

two-year contract hey I'm willing to do

my 2-year contract cuz I do like where

I'm at and also from the financial

standpoint I have a steady paycheck

coming in and that didn't both well with

him and by the next month I essentially

got fired and I got home and I'm like

well we're got to make this work because

we got I don't know how much money we

had in the bank saved up I think it was


$5,000 like okay we can cover ourselves

for the next three months that is it we

have to make we have to make something

out of this so we went into maximal

overdrive for all those months yeah

you're a year in you're still in early

stage startup mode with a with a

business for sure yeah it t it takes a

while even for established Client List

and Google reviews and everything like

that you're still yeah new chiropractors

there there's building trust all that

kind of stuff so that's let talk about

that now um first off the $110,000 then

was that just paid one time payment

here's your money and thank you for the

practice kind of thing or yeah it wasn't

paid overtime or anything no it was a

onetime payment he was ready to retire

and just go so how much of a transition

did he give you I mean did he introduce

you to people did you work there with

them for a month was there any kind of

earnout yeah

so yeah so I literally um gave him the

paycheck and the next day um I had to

put my uh letter of

resignation um and I had 30 days to get

everything ready to turn with 10 and but

while I was doing this I was still

working full-time in my other place um

this is still day two after receiving

the text um no so or did it slow down

after you said yes he didn't have to

produce the money the the next day so I

received the text like a week before I

called him yeah after I I mean yeah a

week before I did the pay um so those

three days um I would come here to the

office and then um I think I was coming

like twice a week and he would introduce

me to patents and then teach me

everything um so we can transition I was

also like any all the stuff with the

bank uh I was creating my LLC I was um

doing all the legal aspect um but I

literally had only 30 days while working

full time to learn and do everything

everything and

um Mike you said you guys are working

with a CBA did you already have a CBA in

place through this or did you

immediately go out and find one um we

found it it was later like a month after

because I had no idea what I was doing I


trying to get all the money straight I

didn't get a paycheck for like two

months because I didn't want to touch

anything because I was afraid I was

going to do something wrong and then we

met a RCB that he actually works in our

same same building so that was pretty

convenient gotcha okay so how did you

know to like open your own LLC and bank

accounts and all that stuff was this

owner advising you yeah on how this

would go

okay okay all right so you've got about

30 days of on the job training with him

and then your last 30 days at your other

employer when you got in there what did


find like um like my first day like

officially as a but I mean did you find

that you had clients that were in there

regularly week after week did you find

that how did you announce how did you

how' you go about drumming up new

business yeah so um he did had a couple

of regulars which that was pretty nice

because I wasn't going in you know with


uh I think I announced it through social

media um and then I printed out um

flyers and I started to visit like all

the businesses around here um and just

getting my name out there basically

yeah and Mike did you guys already have

the name move forward at this time or is

that something you guys came up with

afterwards no actually the the name the

original name but the practice was

called Carwood Village Chiropractic

which essentially is the name of the

area that were in and chiropactic land

at the end of the of the title so at

first we said yeah we'll keep it like

there's it's no issue and over time we

had a little bit of problem because

there's a similar another chiropr

practice close by to us that has a very

similar name and we were getting

confusion we're getting confus we're

getting uh subas from other uh uh

lawyers calling in for paperwork that

were not patients of ours so uh patients

calling for appointments that were not

with us it was with the other so a a lot

of confusion started happening and I

think when we started with

Honeybadger we I think it was in

December honestly this is like this

change happened in spend of a month like

we pick it up quick we we were talking

to John actually and it's like so for

the audience what what is Honey Badger

oh yes yes yes so honey badger is M it's

it's got to be a good plugin because I

love Honeybadger so Honeybadger is a

group of coaches uh business coaches

they are from different fields of

medicine most of them are going to be

doctor physical therapist and they

essentially help you and guide you

through your business and making sure

that your business model is what you

want um what I when what kind of trigger

us to go with honey badger and not with

other business coaches is that we kept

the practice the way we want to practice

and they help us model the practice that

way so there's not like oh you have to

do it this way you have to do it this

way which is the problem that a lot of

the Chiropractic business coaches are

you have to do it the way they want to

and like that doesn't go with us so uh

that's un BG for people who want to join

it's awesome

we're never leaving um yeah and they

also focus a lot in the organic growth

and that was the most important thing

for us because we didn't want to go too

heavy into like um paying for marketing

and all that stuff yeah I I mean honey

badger has a price tag but like you said

it's not it's not like you get a

template and these are the processes

it's not a franchise you're not now like

an approved honey badger you know uh

Chiropractic or anything like that but

it is very much like what do you want

what do you want to build and how how do

we enable you with the success towards

what your vision is um yeah okay so uh

Carry On from there so you guys jumped

in with Honeybadger within three months

or so yep so with it we jump in in Honey

Badger in October October November is I

would say and by December we were we

were just out of it with the name so we

need to change the name we need to do

like a reset for New Years and we talked

to John our a friend in common and our

business coach and he straight up said

hey guys you guys are early if you're

going to do the change do it now like

don't think about it just do it and um

we were

brainstorming and I still remember the

day it was like yesterday Tana woke it

was on a Sunday Tana woke up out of

nowhere and she says I got it I was like

okay what what happened and it's like

move forward I like okay and he's like I

checked there's no one called move

forward Chiropractic anywhere there's no

one in Sun bis there's no one and like

Google like there's no one it's like

okay just go for it do it and right

there and then make the DVA made

everything made it legal we changed the

name and we kind of make a off


official inauguration of the new name in

March when we moved to a big a little

little bigger office in the same

building and we made it with you know a

the business The Business Association of

the area that we're part of made a

ribbon cutting and we kind of made the

new name Tatiana do you think that it

was it was easier changing the name at

that point when you're still trying to

get to know your your brand new clients

then had you waited two or three years

down the road yeah I honestly it went

way easier than what I thought I thought

that people were going to be lost like

we were going to have to build things

again um from from the ground but

actually everyone was so excited about

the new name um we did keep our colors

with it which is yellow um all our

branding is yellow so everyone

recognizes it by it um but everyone

loved it they were all like oh it goes

perfect ly with the type of practice

that you guys are um and also trying to

remember carowood Village chiropr it's

so long people would get confused and it

was a mouthful and when I said move

forward everyone was like oh that's so

easy move forward um so everyone loved

it it was really well received and I'm

really happy that we actually did it at

that time and not when I first bought

the CCE

because I already had like a recognition

in the community and it was more like

improving the practice so it worked


well okay so rather than day one come in

and say I'm buying this practice it's

called move

forward there was a benefit there for

those couple months where you're

treating them treating these customers

that are coming in and then they see

that you took a minute to possibly they

see you took a minute to get to know the

business get to know the clients a

little bit better build some Rapport

there yeah and they saw this more as an

improvement on the existing business

rather than a new business completely

coming in and changing everything yeah

because what happened a lot too is that

um especially the established patient um

every time they would look us up like in

Google or um the website or something

they would never remember the name and

they would just go and look up the name

of the doctor they were like I don't

we're B for what is your name and then

they will recognize it because of the

colors of our brand not because of the

name so once we switched the N but we

left that branding color it was perfect

I gota okay cool um other than Word of

Mouth from existing clients what kind of

what kind of marketing did you guys do

when you hit the ground

running um we did a lot of events at

jyms um community events and then we did

a lot of networking events uh Michael is

the one that is in charge of networking

he's excellent at

it I can't I just do sporting events I

love those but I I am the networking guy

I am the one that does I don't mind it I

like talking um I'm a professor in in a

university on the side so if you put me

in front of people I'll just talk I I

don't mind

um it it's okay and that's I think I

don't know if this is going to be a

question later but one thing that really

set us off is from the start of the

business like we're we are a couple we

have strength and we have weaknesses

what is what are the things that you

absolutely don't like to do or are not

that good at that I could do and vice

versa and that's something that

we uh I'd say not at the beginning

beginning but a couple months in I would

say like four months in we were like

okay I'll handle the networking if

there's a time that you need to do

networking cool but 95% of the time I'll

do all that behind the scenes and all

that stuff and if you can take care of

social media that will be awesome

because I'm not a big fan of working

with social media she loves working with

social media so that really helped

balance a lot from the relationship

standpoint but also from the business

standpoint cuz because it's it's not

like we're competing like we know our

tasks we'll get it done and at the end

of the day everything just works out

okay so you're both involved in

marketing um other than that I mean how

how did you guys go about finding out

your strengths and what part of business

is fell under What whose uh

perview it was trial like you had a

little bit of experience just from

growing up and stuff like that Tatiana

you said you had you had no no desire no

inclination towards that so yeah just

trial and error who's better with money

who's not who's better with client

issues who's better with insurance

companies all that was just trial and

error yeah for sure um I did have like

my mom she was a salesperson so she did

a lot of marketing and stuff so I did

learn a lot from her uh which is funny

because now it's like I'm literally

doing what you doing kind of um but yeah

it was more like we were do certain

tasks and then by certain time after

doing that task we would be like oh I

hate doing this or I'm not really good

at doing this and then the other person

would be like I actually do enjoy doing

that so we would split things like that

just by

experience okay gotcha uh so so Mike's

out doing community events getting out

in person as much as possible what kind

of stuff are you doing on social media

and how did your exist in clients take

to that do they interact with it at all

or do they not even know what's going on

um yeah they love it uh yeah they act

it's so funny every time they comment

like in my stories and stuff like that

they're like you're so

funny okay so you're doing a lot of

you're doing a lot of short videos then

or what are you doing social media for

to build your practice I do a lot of

reals I combine them between um you know

funny things and educational stuff um

informational stuff and I do a lot of

stories uh but yeah it's just trying to

get into the trends okay um I just going

to your website um I know I talked to a

couple other chiropractors you guys tend

to be more proactive it looks like from

your website with your care it's better

to be not emergency Chiropractic but

regular uh regular incorporation into

your life um Mike in your question you

had you just wanted to bring up like the

importance of Chiropractic Care um talk

a little bit about that getting

over new customers who might have a

something they've heard about

chiropractic care just something that

doesn't sit right you have to correct

that toggle yeah so um when it comes to

Chiropractic for the longest time um and

you can ask anyone oh what what with the

chiropro LA they'll pop your neck or pop

your back like that's that's what been

called and it's okay like there's

nothing wrong with that um but

traditionally people are not also

looking like oh what is the scope of a

chiropr what can a chiro like people are

not searching for that so um it's our

duty as you know individuals that

practice different Specialties and

further education to be like hey like

yeah I can crack your pack but we can

also do strength and conditioning and we

can do Rehabilitation and we can work

where your muscles we can uh do do

nutrition we can do a lot of stuff and

it's a lot of Education when it comes to

that and it's very funny because now

that I'm very involved with Academia and

doing a master in nutrition so I'm

reading research every single day like

my day is I will pop and read an article

scientific journal whatever so I'm very

I'm very active in what's changing in

health so when I talk to my patients and

I'm like correcting them like oh because

of this I'm like no that's not how it

happens this is what the research says

so I educate a lot of my patients and to

this point one patient told me and I

changed my Instagram uh one of my

captions it says oh you're the nobs

chiropractor like okay I'll take

it OBS chiropractor you will straight up

tell me facts and and if I'm wrong

you're going to be like nope that's not

it and but you you'll do it in an

educational way because you care and I

want people to understand the

information and not get hoax into like

oh you do this and it's GNA magically do

this like that's not how it works right

and that's what a lot of social media

right now is trending like I'll take

this it will do something so miraculous

you're like H that is a little bit

suspicious I don't think that's how it


but it's getting that idea that you know

Chiropractic can help with a lot of

stuff but it's choosing your right

chiropractor it's the same as choosing

your right uh medical doctor for the

right condition you're not going to go

to your cardiologist for a problem with

your teeth right you're G to go to a

dentist so it's it's similar to that

it's searching the the correct uh

physician for your needs it that would

be the better way to put

it yeah and something that a lot of

people don't realize is that um like

medical doctors chiropractors we also

have different Specialties or areas that

we focus on um there's you know the

traditional chiropractor that all be a

Family Chiropractor and he just does the

adjustment there's also Sports

chiropractor um people that focus more

in neurology or and Pediatrics and stuff

like that like in our case um like I

focus a lot in the active population

that wants to keep that

um and then Michael focus more can said

migraines and all the nutritional but

and when patients come here and they see

that they're like oh my gosh so it's

you're going to do more than cracking

like yeah there's more we do get we do

get that a lot yeah so I imagine the the

clients that came from the practice you

purchased were used to the traditional

Family Chiropractor cracking your back

so you had to introduce them well we're

here but we don't need to wait until

you're in pain again or you know we can

start to do proactive things how did

that come across to them were they

mostly receptive to it oh yeah at first

they were like what you're going to

spend more than 10 minutes with me like

you're going to be 30 to 45 minutes like

an hour with me like yeah we have a lot

to do so um at first it were kind of

like suspicious about the idea but once

I started to work like mentally doing

exercises with them like literally

getting dirty on the floor with them and

doing everything with them um they would

be like this this is actually working

like this is really valuable and they

kept on coming and starting to refer

people and they would be like you know I

told my friend you're not the

traditional chiropractor she she's going

to dig in like she's going to do all of

manual Stu but she's going to sweat with

you so yeah we we've had people tell us

you're you're a real doctor

yeah so you you had to have had a speed

bump or something along the line though

along the way did you have any like

specific client cases where they're like

no I missed the old doctor they did it

better I don't like what you guys are

doing here any any kind of stories like

that um

one of the patients he's so funny um he

did have a little bit of resistance with

it but I've been kind of warming him up

little by little but even though he had

that resistance from the second day that

I treated him he went like um I don't

want anyone else to to treat me I want

you to treat me I don't care I'm like

okay but you know because he travels a

lot it was like you know I can find for

other practitioners that practice

similar to me so you can see him like if

you eat it and he was like no I'll just

wait I'll come back so yeah maybe there

were a little bit of resistance but they

all kind of accepted and really liked it

and they just stayed here yeah a chance

to build trust and turn turn a six or a

seven client to a nine or 10 client just

by working with them yeah I think the

only resistance that we got a little bit

was more because um the previous doctor

he was Insurance phase and we decided to

go um towards the cash base practice

okay um so those they

weren't um unhappy with the treatment

it's just that they wanted to use their

insurance and we were like yeah we know

we know people that take insurance we

will happily like worry like don't I

won't be mad about it yeah I mean that's

got to be a big decision uh buying a

practice that's already there and then

also not knowing about cash flow and

everything to shut off that valve of

insurance but what does that allow you

guys to do with your practice because I

know the freedom I know there's got to

be some Freedom there so was that an

easy decision


there's um I think when it came to the

decision the place that Tatiana used to

work at it was uh and they take a lot of

insurance at the place that I worked it

was fully cash so we had both

perspectives already because we will

talk like hey but we can do this and we

can do that blah blah and at the end of

the day was like we're just going to

take cash right and that gave us the

ability to because and this is going

into like Technic col with with

insurance plans but insurance companies

they most of the time will cover the

adjustment they will cover the the

building code for the adjustment and

from what we know right the current

evidence and everything the adjustment

is like a 10% of what we actually have

to do um and the real you know get going

to the floor with a patient and working

exercise and all that stuff that's where

actually people get better and

the um co-pay and the the amount of

money patients will have to pay above

from their their co-pay and deductible

would have been way higher so we're like

why don't

we have a set price we put anything that

we do within those within that time

frame it is one flat fee it doesn't

matter if we did two therapies it

doesn't matter if we did seven there's

times that we've done five six different

therapies and time of 30 minutes or 45

minutes and that kind of gave us the

ability to give the patient what they

need and be heard than just come in and

like okay so I need to make money so I'm

gonna crack you in five minutes and

leave because I have to see another

patient so it's sacrificing a little bit

of the quantity just to get more of the

quality of care so for us that was it

was non-negotiable we wanted to be

better and we wanted to give the patient

the care they needed especially five

minutes goes by by just me saying hey

how you been how how was your weekend

that five minutes went away with only

that so just having the ability to Take

5 10 minutes sit down with the patient

be like how you been how has everything

that we did from the last week was

horrible was better worse talk to me


alone gives so much value to the patient

cuz it's like I'm being heard I'm

actually talking about my problems and

I'm being heard and we're going it's we

tatana and I visualize it as a it's a

tag team we're making the plan together

as we go making sure that the patient

care is going hand to hand if we have to

change something myth way we change it

so it's it's very tailored and it's very

responsive so I think that is what has

helped us a lot with retention and just

people referring uh their family members

and friends to us that's a big big

part okay not just that insurance

control like what we're able to do like

how many vits we can do uh and they

don't pay for everything and what they

pay is like so little they're like and

that's why it starts to become a rat

race so you're treating a number you're

not treating an actual patient yeah so

it sounds like it was an easy decision

for you too then

yeah yeah for sure even having not

worked in one of those clinics before

you saw me yeah okay great um I know you

guys are doing this and this is big uh

across the physical therapy field right

now too talk to me about what tella

Health looks like in Chiropractic Care

serving remote clients and things like

that that is we don't have we don't have

two hours but that that that is a cool

so I'd say digesting it into to lower

terms is um like I said before the

adjustment is not everything and there's

way more to do at home that we can coach

we can do a lot of uh exercises we can

do a lot of meal planning we can do

nutritional changes we can do

supplementation there's a lot a lot of

good um treatments that we can do via

telea Health that don't revolve us

seeing each other like of course doing

the muscle workor person is going to be

very beneficial but if we can give you

the opportunity to be like hey next

visit we'll do it tell Health we're just

going to do routine exercises and all

that and it it's it just gives the

patient a

convenience and for us it's also a

retention because it's it's an option

it's there for them to

choose so it's it's great it's weird

when you hear a chiropractor goinging

remote and doing hybrid it's like how

you going to cck me virtually right how

do that like okay we're not doing that

we're not doing that but

yeah I yeah I I had to get an eye exam

and it had the opportunity for a remote

eye exam I'm like how are you gonna blow

air into my

eyes but so so what you're saying though

it for you guys tella health is more to

continue stay in contact with your


clients more frequently it's not like

you guys are taking on clients in other

states unless they're willing to travel

here once a quarter or something like

that it's just more like Constant

Contact here's diet plans here's

movement exercises you can do send in

some videos all reviews stuff like that

for your existing clients or if they're

traing or something like that yeah and

it all depends on the presentation and

like especially Michael he has a lot of

um patients that have like a nutritional

type of plan he does functional medicine

with them so you don't have to come into

the office to talk about like you know

your lab work or uh your real plans or

what is your plan um we can do that you

know through uh like a meeting like this

um there's a lot of patients that they

just like to come in and visit us we're


fine but um but those are one of the

cases the other cases as well is um when

I have patients that I can trust that I

know they're able to do exercises on

their own I either give them their

routine or I just connect with them uh

through a meeting like a zoom meeting

and we can go through the exercises

together um or if they're in that stage

that I don't need to be pressing with

them to teach them how to move or where

to feel or all that stuff then tell a

health a really good option for them I

gotta Okay cool so you guys are

definitely moving into new areas of

practice I mean your your profession is

changing the same way that all

professions are and finding new ways to

adapt I'm sure that's got to be exciting

um and and new opportunities to connect

and deepen client relationships too so

uh Tatiana you started early saying that

you wish there would have been classes

that you could have paid better

attention to I am a business major I'm

an accountant um I know that our classes

are not the most exciting especially for

somebody who doesn't ever plan on doing

accounting so yeah

what how can we educate somebody who's

not in a business major not an

accounting major I mean what kind what

would not have turned you off as you

were studying to become a chiropractor

um or just more upto-date stuff is that

all you were looking looking for yeah

more up to date um I think that thing uh

the classes should be more interactive

and More in real time um for example I

think the only project I was excited for

in our business class was the one that

um we had to create like our deal

practice like we were looking for uh

like a building that was for sale or a

practice that was for sale or we had to

reate um the rooms and all that stuff we

had to look for water the the laws or uh

the the things that we needed to be able

to open up a practice occy stats yeah

like yeah like look at the stats and all

that stuff or the population that is in

that area so that was pretty cool but we

only had that one day wow so I think

yeah so I think if we would have had

like different cases or like oh today

we're going to go to the bank and we're

going to do this or you have to go to

the bank and check like what do you need

um stuff like that I think would be

better especially like in a profession

that we're so

Hands-On like reading a PowerPoint about

it I'm I'm not gonna pay attention like

I need to do it I need to get my hands

on Michael what are your thoughts get a

school day a bus and just go to like I

don't know like Bank of America like

this is how it goes

yeah so literally walk you into a bank

and say this is how to talk to a loan


yeah okay that would be cool though it

will be very

education Mike how much of that did you

pick up uh with your with your parents

having their own business and stuff did

you pay any attention to that as a kid

because I know my kids don't um and then

they're GNA say 20 years from now

somebody my dad never told me any of

this stuff I think to an then um I think

I was kind of I I in my case I was

forced not because of a positive action

um my dad passed away when I was 20 so

that was I was I think third year in

college and I kind of I was in the

business but I was more like you know

behind the scenes stuff I didn't do much

uh I just helped how I could um but

obviously when my dad passed away you

know he was mom mom was the president

and bad was the vice president so and he

was the one he was the networking Guy

mom mom was the behind the scenes and

she would do a lot like similar to what

t t and I do but my dad was always doing

all the networking and everything in the

meetings and so I kind of was pushed

into that role because I had to I had to

help Mom you know I have to help Mom

with the business I have to help her you

know be stable and so early on I was

being a full-time student but I was also

helping with doing Federal stuff with

Mom meeting with you know High you know

High people in the federal government to

um work with the stuff that Mom worked

so I kind of was thrown to the wolves in

in a sense which it was kind of good but

it it was a very

different model that not a lot of the

business aspect I could apply to my

business but I'd said a lot of the

teaching stuff for sure can apply to um

at least like sales how to talk to

people and that that aspect I did it was

pretty easy to apply sometimes I talk to

my mom about that and sometimes I'm

giving her like like you should do this

I talk to your

TPA so it's it's pretty I'd say that

will be the part

for all right um at the end of our show

I like to do a lightning round uh with

the guests uh was there anything before

we jump into the Lightroom around

anything I you wanted to add or

um did I did I miss anything oh no um we

talked a lot about a lot of good things

but I will say Never Say Never and pay

attention to those little details

because you never know what's going to

happen um I had a plan and it was

flipped in 24 hours

so yeah good I I I would say always keep

for anyone not only in the medical field

anyone that's doing a

business it's always going to be a no

until you try it you're always going to

fail unless you try it so it it's always

good to take the risk and at the end of

the day if it failed the miserably you

were like hey I tried it it completely

sucked I am not doing that again but you

tried it and that that really points you

in the right direction um pun intended

so you can move forward to whatever you

have to do

essentially nice nice plug all

right all right so we're going to jump

into the lightning round um I've not

done this with two guests before so uh

we'll let Tatiana you go first and then

Mike answer okay um all

right coffee or tea and how do you like

it oh ah

D coffee black coffee okay with just

half of sugar

okay Coffee iced or cold uh cold brew so

with a lot of coffee taste and a little

bit of

creamer uh pie or

cake um chocolate cake I would say cake

yeah cheesecake cheesecake all right oh


um what is a common belief among

entrepreneurs that you would like to

challenge that you're going to be a

millionaire in a month it's not gonna

happen you have to work hard yeah you

took it out

of let's the overnight success that

takes you that takes you that really

takes you 20 years to get

there yeah I would say for my part uh if

you expect

that uh doing a full-time job 9 to5 it's

going to change when you B start your

business that's wrong you're going to be

working 247 it doesn't matter you're

going to be working day and night you

might get a little break but not 40

hours a week turns to 24 hours every

day yeah the the saying I think it was

Barbara corkran who says entrepreneurs

are the only ones who will work seven

days a week to avoid working 40 hours or

something yeah I I saw that literally

yeah yeah that is so

true all right uh favorite holiday and

why um Christmas it's so jolly I love it

oh my God mik Halloween because it's

dark I like dark

stuff I like the I like the the the the

you know people dressing up I like the

candy and I just like the atmosphere so

it's kind of like uh nightm before

Christmas stuff all right I can see

Opposites Attract here oh

yeah um morning person or night person

and do you have a favorite

routine 100% morning

person I wake up super early to go for

runs and then I just chill I'm like

breakfast and csy and then I just keep

on going and Mike's a night person I am

a night ow I could be deceased in sleep

and I will stay up I my brain functions

at night in the morning don't talk to

me do you have a routine for nights Mike

um yeah I have a my routine will always

be I have to watch a couple of videos

before I go to sleep like if I don't if

I don't do it I can't sleep I could be

very tired if I don't scroll for like 30

minutes I it's in

bed and and you're messing you also have

to go in and play with your friends I

have to the PC you always have to do a

game at least check in with I have to

play for at least an hour shower brush

my teeth go to uh go and like scroll

down and clely yeah sorry you scrolling

at that moment yeah at that moment I go

like peace I'm going to bed so I can

wake up early are you scrolling comedy

videos or educational videos YouTube uh

Tik Tok What do you where you scroller

most of the time it's going to be Tik

Tok and just random algorithm very very

few times when brain off kind of stuff

yeah sometimes it's comedy sometimes

it's whatever I try not to do any

educational stuff when I'm trying to go

to sleep cuz if I find something

interesting I'm going to wake up go to

the computer and it will be 500 a.m. so

no yep

awesome um what is one thing that if

some were to someone were to buy your

practice what's one thing that you would

want your successor to remember you for

oh oh just important that positive ated

to and just like helping people


um I don't know I think that's so

hard I think I I I already know what I

want to say I already have it real yeah

I just yeah I just try to give people

happiness like I'm super bubbly and

outgoing so I like people feeling that

love too so maybe that I don't know okay

Mike uh I would say help people not help

numbers if you help people the right way

and give them the care they need the

success and the income and everything

else will go sky rocket uh where are you

both finding creativity right

now um any books particular or podcasts

or nature

exercise oh yeah for

sure I'm I can't send steal so I'm

always try and use sports or um right

now I'm getting really into like graphic

design so all the marketing material

that I do I do it myself so I'm learning

a little bit about that but I think the

most is going to be uh I'm part of a

driving Bo te so I religiously go every

Tuesday and Saturday and that's my me

time and I absolutely love it because it

combines exercise nature good time with

my teammates so it's a lot of fun okay


Mike uh I would say uh play video games

with the boys that is that is the time

that I completely get everything if it's

not that it will be I I like to whenever

I drive on Mondays and Tuesdays because

Mondays and Tuesdays I teach at the

University so we go in separate cars so

I do like to listen to podcasts either

if it's an educational podcast or U

what's new uh audiobooks um I'd say that

that will be my my way of like staying

creative like oh didn't thought about it

that way so learning different

perspective and not sticking to only

like Health but like different areas of

to explore because I you can apply

anything to pretty much anything all

right uh last question what do you guys

have coming up right now for move

forward in the next year that's got you


excited um well

so I actually um started last week yeah

last week I started school again okay

because I can't stand still U um I'm

going for nurse practitioner school so

I'm going to become a family nurse

practitioner that way I can open up my

scook practice and I can do a lot more

and then it's a a celerated program so

I'm going to be able to apply things way

before um yeah it's a two and a half

year two and a years fun yeah we're

going to be adding a lot a lot Services

here uh T can't sit still I can't stay

doing something um right now uh I'm I'm

halfway through a double Masters in

nutrition functional medicine so I

should be getting that taken care of the

next year or so but actually tomorrow I

because this is obviously coming up a

little bit later but I'm doing my uh

acupuncture certification so I should

become board certified acupuncturist by

October so a lot of new things I we

can't stay still we just have to keep

keep it rolling adding new stuff and

patients already excited for all the

stuff that we're doing so that's that

that's really good that's really really

good awesome and uh planning a cruise

wedding also oh yes yeah all right Chang


lot yeah all all right well thank you

both for being guests on here and um um

as we as we wrap it up where can people

find out more about move

forward yeah thank you so much for

having us where can we find you online

anywhere and any any place just put move

forward Cairo so it's c h i r o uh

that's all the handles for Instagram

Facebook Tik Tok and obviously uh the

website's going to be M forward

chiropractic.com all the way um just

send us a DM we are very Tech savy so we

like when people can text us so any

questions Instagram is the best place

all right thank you both for being on

the artist Su

session thank thank you so much for

having us

Unbeatable Opportunity: How A Text Led These Chiropractors To Business Ownership!
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